PinnedFLSUN QQ-S and Duet 2 WifiThis is a Work In Progress project, I’m using this to document the progress!Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Figma for DatabasesRecently I was tasked with a relatively big database (43 tables and counting) refactor with a lot of interconnections between them, and as…Jun 27, 2022Jun 27, 2022
Building my own Delta printer, stage 0I’ve been an owner of an FLSUN QQ-S Pro printer for the last year, but as time has gone by, some of the printer’s shortcomings have come to…Oct 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021
Context aware table row actions for Laravel NovaDuring one of our dev runs, there were some fancy action requirements and I was really happy to find that Laravel Nova supports actions on…Jul 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021
Adventures with Klipper and a Duet 2 Wifi on an FLSUN QQ-S ProWhile the Duet Web Control is nice and RepRapFirmware is a proven and solid workhorse with proven track record, I’ve really wanted to get…May 28, 20216May 28, 20216
LDVSC — Laravel with Docker and VSCodeVisual Studio Code has been becoming one of the most versatile tools out there, for just about any kind of software development. Be it for…Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020
Laravel Nova & Vuex… a future proof solution?!If you follow my stories, you probably know by now that I’ve got an ongoing fight to get Vuex properly working with my Laravel Nova admin…Dec 7, 20182Dec 7, 20182
New plaything in Laravel Nova 1.2The last version of Nova, just got released a couple days ago with a round of bug fixes and while these are indeed good things, but for…Dec 6, 2018Dec 6, 2018
Laravel Nova & Vuex, the Second RoundIf you found this article you’ve been probably asking the same questions as I have, and even found my previous article about this topic…Nov 20, 2018Nov 20, 2018
Dynamic Attributes for Eloquent models2 years ago in PHP, Laravel · 1 MIN READNov 12, 2018Nov 12, 2018